Pie with the Principal is this Tuesday at 5:30. Please check the google form to help me prepare for your needs. I look forward to sharing dessert, coffee and discussing celebrations and clearing up concerns. https://forms.gle/4VZB3QPgAhuhfbKk7
about 1 month ago, Mrs. Martin
This week's Week at a Glance: https://5il.co/2zanu We are canceling the Pie w/the Principal & PTO informational meeting that was scheduled for thisThursday and rescheduling it to Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 5:30pm. We realized that many of our students/parents were participating in a cheer event at CHS and wanted maximum participation in both events. From PTO: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4EAFA623ABFEC61-52489795-1stnine
about 1 month ago, Mrs. Martin
Our 24-25 Girls' and Boys' Basketball team lists are posted on the front doors of the school. Congratulations to our new teams!
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Reminder: Tomorrow is picture day!
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Parents please do not block the driveway in the back. The dirt trucks can't get to the back construction area. If you have parked blocking the entrance to the back playground please move your car as soon as the parade ends.
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
The back parking lot is full. If you plan to come to the Dictionary parade, please park in carline.
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
PTO needs your help. If you have an hour please sign up to help with lunch duty. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4EAFA623ABFEC61-51926853-parent#/
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Just a reminder: 4th & 5th grade girls basketball tryouts are today. Tryouts will last until 5:30. Parents will wait in carline until students are finished with tryouts.
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Welcome Back Aggies! We are excited for our fall events coming up. Please see the link below for this week's events. https://5il.co/2yq2y
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Fall break and Upcoming events: https://5il.co/2ybbh Wishing everyone a safe and fun fall break. Please check the above calendar for important upcoming events.
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
It was a great week. FCA had their first event. Cross Country is working hard, setting records and working as a team to encourage each other. We are doing better each day with carline. Students are completely ready to go when the car stops. Remember to form a single file line at the cones close to the gate. It's 2 lines until then. This past week our new PTO board met. They planned events and are planning ways to have more parents involved at school. It's a great day to be an Aggie. Week at a Glance- Week 8 https://5il.co/2xsem PTO google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSVYSuIA9_I-v40J60PZ-YBvHJ2Ihqf-Rpjpi0rRHePj7ASg/viewform Looking forward to a great 4 day week before fall break!!
2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Parents, I wanted to clarify our Pie with the Principal date. It will be held Oct. 24 at 5:30. I had originally planned the event for Sept. but we had a date conflict and needed to reschedule. I look forward to seeing you in October. If you have any concerns about our curriculum or your child's progress, please feel free to call.
2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Cross Country shined bright this weekend at the Ruston meet!! K-2nd grade girls - 1st Place K-2nd grade boys - 2nd Place 3-4th grade girls - 2nd Place 3-4th grade boys - 4th Place 5th grade girls - 7th Place out of 14 teams 5th grade boys - 6th Place out of 18 teams Week at a Glance: https://5il.co/2x8wj The Power of Yet I want to emphasize that our students are growing every day in all areas. If your child is not mastering a certain skill or subject, Give it time. We stress to our students, never underestimate the Power of Yet! You haven't scored a goal, yet. You haven't reached your math goal, yet. You haven't won the Stem competition, yet! Please let your child know just because they haven't ......... it doesn't mean they won't. Keep working!! Information on ELA & Math Curriculum: https://5il.co/2x8wk
2 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Squire Creek is offereing Tennis Camp for 3rd-5th graders. Squire Creek will pick up at school for the weeks the camp is offered. Camp begins Monday, Sept. 23. https://5il.co/2wvki
3 months ago, Mrs. Martin
CES Week at a Glance: https://5il.co/2wqh0 We also want to remind parents that we are having a final sale for spirit wear. It has blankets, hats, jackets, car decals and other items for all Aggie fans. The sale ends on Sunday, Sept. 29. https://choudrant824.itemorder.com/shop/home/ Big congratulations to our Cross Country runners. It was a great 1st meet. K-2 grade girls won 1st place, K-2nd grade boys won 3rd place, 3rd-4th grade gIrls won 1st place, 3-4th grade boys had a top 10 finisher, 5-6th grade girls and boys finished strong. We look forward to what this season holds. Aggies Can, Aggies Will!!!
3 months ago, Mrs. Martin
This is our 2nd and final sale for CES field trip shirts and spirit items. Sale ends Sept. 29. https://choudrant824.itemorder.com/shop/home/
3 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Parents, Just a reminder that the book fair is open tonight before Open House. The back doors will open at 4:45. Pre-K-2nd Open House will begin at 5:30 in the gym. Hope to see you soon!
3 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Parent Week at a Glance for Sept. 9-13 https://5il.co/2w31q Tuesday, Sept. 10, 6am-10pm, CES will participate in a Community Care Event to support a non-profit aiming to end Type 1 Diabetes at ChickfilA. Just tell a Chick fil A team member you want to support this event when ordering.
3 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Week at a Glance for Sept. 9-13 https://5il.co/2w31q Tuesday, Sept. 10, 6am-10pm, CES will participate in a Community Care Event to support a non-profit aiming to end Type 1 Diabetes at ChickfilA. Just tell a Chick fil A team member you want to support this event when ordering.
3 months ago, Mrs. Martin
Reminder: Tonight is 3rd-5th grade Open House. The Book Fair will open at 4:45 before it begins. If you plan on going to the Book Fair before Open House, please park in the back parking lot by the library. We will start in the gym at 5:30. After a short 15-minute assembly in the gym, parents will go to where the grade level is meeting. 3rd grade is meeting in one of the partner teacher's classroom 4th grade will stay in the gym 5th grade will go to the cafeteria Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!
3 months ago, Mrs. Martin