We are excited about Fall Carnival tonight from 5-7pm! The carnival will not open until 5pm. A few reminders: Parking is available on front playground, back teacher's parking lot, St. Rest Church parking lot, and on ONE side of Walker Road and Choudrant High School. Squire Creek will run a shuttle back and forth from the CHS to the carnival. There are signs to designate the pick up spot. There will be no parking on Hwy 80 or in the front of the school in carline. We will have carline blocked off because of games and the petting zoo. Concessions will take tickets and be sold in the teacher's lounge. We will have hot dogs, frito pies, popcorn, chips, and drinks. Kona Ice will be here as well set up in the front of the school. We are looking to a very fun evening. No school tomorrow.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
Parents, Please see CES carnival information attached for our carnival on Monday, Nov. 7 5-7pm. I also want to thank Coach Stoehr and the Lady Techsters for coming out to see our students as they promoted their Education game on Nov. 10 that our 3rd grade students will be attending. https://5il.co/1k8r9
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
Choudrant Elementary Fall Carnival is Monday, Nov. 7 from 5-7pm. If you would like to avoid the lines on the night of the event come get your tickets today. We will sell tickets at school today until 2:00pm and Monday until noon. Games and concessions will take tickets only. The only booth that will take money is Kona Ice. We will send a map of the games home today. Parking will be available in the school parking lot, school front playground, St. Rest Church and at Choudrant High School. A shuttle will be offered for anyone parking at Choudrant High School and will run continuously between 5-7pm. Choudrant Police and our Sheriff's department have asked that we have no one park on Hwy 80 on the night of the event. We are looking forward to bringing back this community event.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
Clinton Insurance Agency is here to go over insurance changes and get your signatures. Could you come by the CES teacher's lounge before 2:00. It will take 15 min for them to go over everything with you and get you to sign. They will be here all day so feel free to come anytime.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
We will begin pre-selling Fall Carnival tickets Monday 9am-2pm. Tickets can be bought all week in the front office. We will not send any tickets home with students. Tickets will also be able to be purchased on the night of the carnival. Fall Carnival is Monday, Nov. 7 from 5-7pm. Have a great weekend!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
Cheer Clinic Parents: Please use regular carline to pick up from cheer clinic. The carline gate will be open during pick up time.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
6th Grade Parents - Please read the attached letter about the Louisiana IAP Assessment for next week. https://5il.co/1jo4c
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Griffin
5th Grade Parents - Please read the attached letter about the Louisiana IAP 5th Grade Field Test Assessment for next week. https://5il.co/1jo4b
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Griffin
In Lincoln Parish Schools every day counts. We understand the importance of having all students in class and ready to learn. Lincoln Parish with the attendance campaign, "No Bare Chairs" hopes to bring awareness to the negative consequences of chronic absences. Please click on the link below for more information. https://www.lincolnschools.org/page/attendance
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
From CES PTC: The first 9 weeks is up, and we would like to trick or TREAT our teachers. Please review the requested items below, and click on the button to sign up. All items can be dropped off at the office (attention: Emily Kozar) the week of 10/17. Treats will go out Friday, 10/21. If you prefer to send monetary donation: you can Venmo Emily Kozar @Emily-Kozar, and she will use to buy remaining items needed. Thank you! CES PTC https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f49aca72aa0f9c70-1st9weeks
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
From PTC: Mark your calendars! The first-annual PTC auction will be held during the CES Fall Festival, Monday, Nov. 7th. Each grade level will contribute items to a themed basket for the auction — please use the form below if you would like to donate any item for your child’s grade level: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScypJd8hjsBloIkNXJ9d4bFLT36V3P6rjSKxVoHWCDswyoXUA/viewform We appreciate any and all donations to help make this event a success!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
Parents, Here is the October breakfast and lunch menu. Breakfast: https://5il.co/1in60 Lunch: https://5il.co/1in62 Also, Friday, Sept. 30 is $1 hat day for Pre-k-6th grade. If students want to wear a hat they can bring a dollar.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
Parents have asked for the October breakfast and lunch menu. I am testing and sending to just teachers to see if the links work. Breakfast: https://5il.co/1in60 Lunch: https://5il.co/1in62
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
Here is a copy of the K-2nd Grade ARC Level explanation page. We will send home a printed copy of this next week. https://5il.co/1ijt1
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Griffin
Please watch the video for information about K-2nd Reading Progress Reports. https://photos.app.goo.gl/m2VeEnAWXpz8ijC28
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Griffin
Bus 34 Parents, Bus 34 is running about 20 min late, she had to pick up a new bus to run the route. She will be there as soon as possible. All students will have the option of eating breakfast when they arrive at school.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
I hope every one is enjoying their weekend. I wanted to remind everyone that this Monday is Coffee and Communication with the Principal in the library from 8:00-8:30am. If you can't make it this month, we will have this event every other month. It will be a time to discuss upcoming CES events and answer any questions that you may have. I am looking forward to seeing and visiting with you Monday.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
A message from CC Coaches: Cross Country practice change: Practice will be at Lincoln Parish Park 6-7 pm. We do not have to pay. Tell them you are Choudrant Cross Country. The director has asked that we DO NOT speed. Speed limit is 15mph. Runners and bikers could be anywhere. We also need to make sure we pick up any thing we bring. Meet at the playground ❤️ Tonight we will have inner squad battles!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
Our new PTC officers would like for parents to complete this survey. We are excited about a brand new year for our school and school supporters. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexgsPnV2bzx-8aihH9VxO-xpycKNGgwXbjWNB5zltbcxEbSw/viewform
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin
Choudrant Elementary Book Fair is all next week. We will have an after hours time for parents to shop on Tuesday, Sept. 13 from 3:45-5:45. Pre-K-2nd graders are celebrating Grandparents’ Day also on Tuesday and then grandparents are welcome to take their grandchild to the book fair. Please contact your child’s teacher about what time they will celebrate Grandparents’ Day. I’m also including a link from PTC, if anyone would like to volunteer to help during the book fair. https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10c0f49aca72aa0f9c70-scholastic
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Martin